Duy Khanh - Singer, Songwriter |
Duy Khanh (1936-2003) was one of the most prolific songwriters and singers of traditional folk music in South Vietnam prior to 1975. Among his most popular compositions included
Ai Ra Xu Hue, Loi Ve Dat Me, Thuong Ve Mien Trung and
Xin Anh Giu Tron Tinh Que.
Duy Khanh moved to the United States in 1988. He would continue his career as a performer for the overseas community there and also set up a vocals instructional class with legendary Vietnamese songstress,
Thai Thanh. During the 1990s up until the year before his death, Duy Khanh had made several memorable appearances on the live show music video series produced by
Asia Entertainment performing songs such as
Xin Anh Giu Tron Tinh Que,
Xuan Nay Con Khong Ve written by
Trinh Lam Ngan,
Nguoi Linh Gia Xa Que Nha written by
Nhat Ngan and a pair of medleys combining tunes written by
Truc Phuong and himself together with
Thanh Thuy,
Hoang Oanh and
Phuong Hong Que.
On December 2, 2003, Duy Khanh passed away at the age of 67 in Fountain Valley, California. He had once been married and was a father of two children.
His music remains as an inspiration to many contemporary Vietnamese artists of today such as
Tuan Vu,
Truong Vu,
Che Linh and
Manh Quynh.
Thank you for posting your comment. However, after I had clicked on the link of ibet888 as you had instructed, I really don't see anything on that website that could or should be linked with VietCeleb's bio of Duy Khanh published here. Did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteXin cam on ban da gui binh luan den VietCeleb. Sau khi toi vao thu trang ibet888, toi lai co mot dieu thac mac tai vi cai link nay ban da gui de xem voi tieu su cua nguoi nghe si nay lai hoan toan khong co gi lien quang den co nghe si Duy Khanh ca. Kinh thua ban voi ten dung ten mang blogger la "giaitrithethao1": Xin hoi ban tai sao ban lai gui link nhu the voi cau chuyen tieu su nghe si nay?