

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Another 50 Most Beautiful Vietnamese Women of All Time

The overwhelming response received since 50 Most Beautiful Vietnamese Women of All Time was posted on May 7, 2015 prompted Viet Celeb to come up with this list, simply called  Another 50 Most Beautiful Vietnamese Women of All Time.

Note:  This is by no means intended as a list of honorable mentions.  The 50 beautiful Vietnamese ladies listed here in alphabetical order should not be viewed as "second place winners" or runners up behind the 50 ladies on our initially posted list on May earlier this year.  All of the ladies mentioned here on this list had come directly from the countless messages and emails we received from viewers who obviously had felt that Viet Celeb should have included these lovely ladies on our first list of 50 Most Beautiful Vietnamese Women of All Time.  We greatly appreciate your input.  And so here it is.  This list when combined with our other previously posted list would make it a total of 100 Most Beautiful Vietnamese Women of All Time, a much better and more complete list.

Click here for 20 Most Handsome Vietnamese Men of All Time.


Click here for 30 Most Beautiful Viet Celebs of 2015.

Click here for 30 Sexiest Vietnamese Celebs of 2016.

Click here for 20 Hottest Viet Celebs of 2017.

Audrey Giacomini:  French Cinema Actress
of  Vietnamese and Breton Descent 

Cam Tien:  Southern Vietnamese Folk Opera Actress
Candice Phi Phi:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer 

Cat Tien:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer 

Diem My:  Vietnamese Actress

Do Thi Hai Yen:  Vietnamese Film Actress
Dong Nhi:  V-Pop Singer and Film Actress

Giao Linh:  Vietnamese Singer

Ho Hoang Yen:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer
Ha Phuong:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer
 and Philanthropist

Hoa Mi:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer

Hoang Lan:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer 

Kathleen Luong:  Vietnamese-American Film Actress
Khanh Ngoc:  Legendary Actress of Saigon Cinema
and Singer 

Khong Tu Quynh:  V-Pop Singer and Film Actress
Kieu Chinh:  Vietnamese-American Actress
of  Television and World Cinema
Lan Phuong:  Vietnamese Actress of Film, 
Television and Stage
Loan Chabanol:  French Model and Actress
 of Vietnamese, German and Italian Descent
Le Thu:  Vietnamese Singer

Luu Hong:  Eurasian Overseas Vietnamese Singer of German and Vietnamese Descent 

Ly Nha Ky:  Vietnamese Model, Actress and Entrepreneur

Mai Le Huyen:  Saigon's Pioneer Queen of Rock, Film Actress and Comedienne

Michelle Banzer:  American Model of  Vietnamese, Chinese, Mongolian,
Russian, German, Cherokee Indian & Irish Descent and
Miss Kentucky USA 2007

Midu:  Vietnamese Model and Actress of Film and Television

Minh Hieu:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer
and Former Actress of Saigon Cinema

Miu Le:  Vietnamese Singer and Actress
of Film and Television

Nai Bonet:  Eurasian French-Vietnamese Hollywood B-Movie Actress
 and Renowned Belly Dancer

Nhu Loan:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer on Paris By Night
Nini Truong:  Vietnamese-American Singer
Ngoc Hue:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer 
Ngoc Diep:  Vietnamese Actress

Phi Thanh Van:  Vietnamese Actress of Film and Television and Former Fashion Model

Phuong Hong Ngoc:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer and
Former Film Actress of South Vietnam 

Thai Thao:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer 

Thanh Lam:  Vietnamese Pop Diva

Thanh Mai:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer, Actress and Restaurateur

Thanh Truc:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer for Asia Productions 
Thien Kim:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer and Restaurateur

Thien Trang:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer and Former Cinema of Saigon Actress

Thuy Hang:  Retired Amerasian Singer of  the 1990s and Current Dentist

Thuy Vi:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer

Tinna Tinh:  Eurasian Czech-Vietnamese Singer and Film Actress
Toc Tien:  Vietnamese Singer

Truong Ngoc Anh:  Vietnamese Film Actress
and Entrepreneur
Truong Quynh Anh:  Vietnamese Singer and Film Actress

Van Anh:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer,
Amerasian of Vietnamese and African-American Descent

Van Trang:  Vietnamese Film Actress

Viet Trinh:  Vietnamese Actress and Director
of Film, Television and Stage

Vu Thu Phuong:  Vietnamese Model and Film Actress

ZaZa Minh Thao:  Overseas Vietnamese Singer and Actress


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Everyone likes to gaze at beauty but it is subjective. As famous saying goes “
    20 Countries with The Most Beautiful Women in The World ”. That is why women of different countries have unique features and qualities of their own that make them beautiful

  3. I love seeing such a diverse list celebrating Vietnamese beauty.
